2024 West Side Walk for Gilda’s ClubBad to the BoneLisa Paulun


My journey began 17.5 years ago at the age of 43. Intense back pain caused me to make some changes as I was "aging."  Weight loss, yoga, and chiropractics started but there was no change.  Very quickly things escalated and the back pain became unbearable.  I was a nurse practitioner, and single mom of four teenagers.  After many ER visits, a kind doc finally suggested I be tested for multiple myeloma.  I was admitted, had surgery within days, and began treatment.  Tests revealed that I had eight back fractures.  I was unable to walk.  Throughout the following year, I had surgery, a stem cell transplant, physical therapy, and 17 hospitalizations to keep me alive.  I made it!!!! , Recently< I celebrated my 60th birthday!  I have been on chemotherapy of some type for all these years.  My children are successful adults in their thirties and I am one grateful mom to have seen their accomplishments. To date, Ive been on six different lines of therapy, have fractures in my sternum (three), more back fractures, and a clavicle fracture. There are holes in all of my bones.  But I can walk, and I enjoy each day I am given.  Gildas Club has given me hope, and some of the most wonderful friends.  I hope to continue this journey for a while longer.  Thanks for your support.

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